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Get Organised
The legal side of transitioning can be confusing when you first glance at it.
Before you even think about legally transitioning, which just means to change your legal details in a few different ways, (usually meaning title, name, and gender) you’ll need to be organized.
Here’s how.

Everything You Need To Know About Deed Polls
Deed Polls are normally the first step in a legal transition if you want to change your name to something new. Cisgender people do it all the time, and you can change your first, middle, or last name, as well as add new ones.
Name changes can, at first, just be social. You don’t have to change your name at all, legally or otherwise, but if you do, there are a few steps you’ll have to take to do it.
So, here’s how to legally change your name as a trans person in the UK, including information on Deed Polls, Statutory Declarations, Passports, Driving Licenses, and who to tell about it.

Changing Your NHS Number
We’ve talked a little bit about NHS numbers in a previous post, but today, let’s get more into why you might want to change your NHS Number, and how to make that happen.

How To Get a Gender Recognition Certificate
Gender Recognition Certificates are very time consuming and difficult to get. But they do have several benefits, too.
They enable you to be legally recognised as your new gender, get a new birth certificate in your new name and gender, and will also mean you’ll get a death certificate in the right gender, amongst other things.
The process is complex, so here’s a more in-depth guide on how to get a GRC for the first time.