Everything You Need To Know About Deed Polls

Mostly, but other resources are attached, just in case.

Deed Polls are normally the first step in a legal transition if you want to change your name to something new. Cisgender people do it all the time, and you can change your first, middle, or last name, as well as add new ones.

You don’t need anything to change your title, such as from Miss to Mr, for example. It’s not legally protected, so you can just ask whoever you’re telling about your name change to also update your title, too.

Name changes can, at first, can just be social. You don’t have to change your name at all, legally or otherwise, but if you do, there are a few steps you’ll have to take to do it.

Deed Polls can be used everywhere to change your name and title – you shouldn’t need anything extra or any other documents to make that happen. Unless you’re updating your passport or driving license.

But first, let me say something. Maybe the most important thing about Deed Polls you’ll ever need to know.


Never Enrol Your Deed Poll

Just don’t do it. An unenrolled Deed Poll is just as legal as an enrolled one. If you enrol it, that means that with a quick Google search, your birth name and your new name will be linked together, as well as your current address. It’ll be online, and in the London Gazette forever.

It’s dangerous for people to have this information so easily, and it’s unnecessary to do it.

Some organizations will claim that they need an enrolled Deed Poll to update your name and title, this is not true. They might not be updated on how a name change works legally, or they might just be trying to make life difficult for you if you’re trans. They’re wrong, either way.


Getting a Deed Poll Is Free

You shouldn’t have to pay anything to get a Deed Poll. It’s free. Here’s how.


How To Get a Deed Poll

  • Make one at home (DIY)

Yes, really. It’s a completely legal way of doing it.

What you’ll need:

  • Honestly, any normal printer paper will do, but if you want your Deed Poll to stay intact for years to come, then some high quality GSM paper (certificate paper, etc) can be useful.

  • Seals (stickers) – Not necessary, but can also make your Deed Poll look more ‘official’ if you run into an organization that’s being difficult about changing your name.

  • Two witnesses for an Enrolled Deed Poll (Don’t do it)

  • One witness (two witnesses are better if you can get two) for an Adult Deed Poll - someone who —

-  Is over 18 and lives in the UK

-  Knows who you are

- Is not a relative or your partner, or someone you live with (unless you’re making a Deed Poll for a child, in which case you would need both parents to sign and consent to the name change)

- Can be physically there to watch you sign the deed poll

- Aside from these specific conditions, your witness could be anyone — a friend, neighbour, or colleague, etc, as long as they aren’t related to you. (If you’re an adult getting a Deed Poll)

The process is different for someone under 16, as they would need parental consent to change their name.


DIY Deed Poll Template: (Adult Deed Poll)

If you’re making your own Deed Poll at home, this is what it’ll need to say:

By this deed of change of name made by myself the undersigned NEW NAME of YOUR ADDRESS formerly known as OLD NAME.

Hereby declare as follows:

1.      I absolutely and entirely renounce, relinquish and abandon the use of my former name of OLD NAME and assume, adopt and determine to take and use from the date hereof the name of NEW NAME in substitution for my former name of OLD NAME.

2.      I shall at all times hereafter in all records, deeds, documents and other writings and in all actions and proceedings, as well as in all dealings and transactions and on all occasions whatsoever use and subscribe the said name of NEW NAME as my name, in substitution for my former name of OLD NAME so relinquished as aforesaid to the intent that I may hereafter be called, known or distinguished by the name of NEW NAME only and not by my former name of OLD NAME.

3.      I authorise and require all persons at all times to designate, describe and address me by the adopted name of NEW NAME.

In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my adopted and substituted forenames of NEW FORENAMES and my surname of NEW SURNAME and also my said former name of OLD NAME.

Dated this_____day of____________in the year______.

Signed as a deed
by the above named

NEW NAME __________________

Formerly known as OLD NAME ____________________


In the presence of



Witness’ Signature

In the presence of



Witness’ Signature

Address _______________________________






Occupation _____________________________

 This is what it should look like, and how it should be formatted:

Front Page of Deed Poll PDF

Inside Page of Deed Poll PDF


DIY Deed Poll Template: (Child Deed Poll)

A child Deed Poll will need someone who is legally allowed to administer oaths, such as a solicitor, to be a witness to the signing of the Deed Poll. Plus both parents of the child need to agree to sign the Deed Poll, otherwise things can get a little bit more complicated.

By this deed of change of name made by the undersigned FATHER’S NAME and MOTHER’S NAME the persons having parental responsibility for YOUR NEW NAME formerly called YOUR OLD NAME who is a child born on DD/FULL MONTH/YYYY

Hereby declare as follows:

1.      On behalf of YOUR NEW NAME we absolutely and entirely renounce, relinquish and abandon the use of HIS/HER former name of OLD NAME and on HIS/HER behalf assume and adopt and determine to take and use from the date hereof the name of YOUR NEW NAME in substitution for HIS/HER former name of YOUR OLD NAME.

2.      The said YOUR NEW NAME will at all times hereafter in all records, deeds, documents and other writings and in all actions and proceedings, as well as in all dealings and transactions and on all occasions whatsoever use and subscribe the said name of YOUR NEW NAME as HIS/HER name, in substitution for HIS/HER former name of YOUR OLD NAME so relinquished as aforesaid to the intent that HE/SHE may hereafter be called, known or distinguished by the name of YOUR NEW NAME only and not by HIS/HER former name of YOUR OLD NAME.

3.      We, on behalf of the said YOUR NEW NAME authorise and require all persons at all times to designate, describe and address the said YOUR NEW NAME by the adopted name of YOUR NEW NAME and not by the former name of YOUR OLD NAME.

In witness whereof I have hereunto subscribed my adopted and substituted forenames of NEW FORENAMES and my surname of NEW SURNAME and also my said former name of OLD NAME.

Dated this_____day of____________in the year______.

Signed as a deed


NEW NAME __________________

Formerly known as OLD NAME ____________________


By the said Father

FATHER’S NAME                                                                                       ________________________

                                                                                                                                                          Father’s Signature

By the said Mother

MOTHER’S NAME                                                                                     ________________________

                                                                                                                                                        Mother’s Signature

In the presence of

Name  ________________________                               


Witness signature

Address      _____________________________





Occupation _____________________________

This is what it should look like, and how it should be formatted:

Front Page of Child Deed Poll PDF

Inside Page of Child Deed Poll PDF

With both of these forms, anything in bold should be deleted and replaced appropriately.


Purchased/Online Deed Poll

You can get a Deed Poll online, and it still shouldn’t cost you any money.

Maybe not the Deed Poll itself, but some companies will want to be paid for their services.

https://freedeedpoll.org.uk/ generates a Deed Poll for free, surprisingly, depending on what type you select as well as your current circumstances.

You fill in all of your details, as well as the witnesses filling in their details, click ‘Generate Deed Poll,’ and you will be able to print off the generated Deed Poll afterwards. Any witnesses absolutely need to be there to sign the Deed Poll, and to witness you signing it, but not necessarily to fill it in online and print it out first.

It’s a good idea to get 5 – 10 copies of any Deed Poll you make, so that there aren’t as many delays when changing your name using your Deed Poll in various places and sending it off, where you’ll want to avoid being left with only one Deed Poll at a time.


Option 2: A Statutory Declaration

The only differences between a Deed Poll and a Statutory Declaration are the number of witnesses you need, and the cost.


  • Only needs one signature/witness


  • Has to be signed by a solicitor so will definitely cost money

Template: (From Gendered Intelligence)

The format varies, depending on whether you are changing your first names, your surname or both. This sample is for someone who is only changing their first names.

I NEW NAME of 123 High Street, Somewheretown, Somewhereshire AB12 3CD


I absolutely and entirely renounce relinquish and abandon the use of my former christian name of OLD NAME and assume adopt and determine to take and use the christian names of NEW NAME in substitution for my former christian name of OLD NAME.

I shall at all times hereafter in all records deeds documents and other writings and in all actions proceedings as well as in all dealings and transactions on all occasions whatsoever use and subscribe the said names of as my names in substitution for my former names of SURNAME so relinquished as aforesaid to the intent that I may hereafter be called known or distinguished not by my former names of OLD NAME but by my names of NEW NAME only.

I authorise and require all persons at all times to designate describe and address me by the adopted names of NEW NAME and I make this solemn Declaration conscientiously believing the same to be true and by virtue of the provisions of the Statutory Declarations Act 1835.

SIGNED AND DECLARED at in the County of this ________ day, the __________ of _______________ 20__)

Before me _________________) Solicitor/Commissioner for Oaths

Most people will go for a Deed Poll because a Statutory Declaration is guaranteed to cost money, although it might not be much. That’s up to you.

Just don’t enroll your Deed Poll. Seriously. Please don’t.


Who Do I Need To Tell About My New Name Change?

Based on this list from Gender Construction Kit.

If you’re 18 or under you’ll need to tell: (I don’t mean legally need to tell. You don’t have to tell anyone really. These lists are just separated into over and under 18 because if you’re under 18 you probably don’t have a mortgage, for example. These lists are for anyone who wants to tell everyone that they’ve legally changed their name, but they’re finding it overwhelming figuring out who they’re supposed to tell.)

  • Your Bank – You can either go to your nearest branch, bringing with you any ID, your current bank card, and your Deed Poll, but remember to set an appointment with them beforehand so they know you’re coming!

Or, you can phone them up and tell them you have a Deed Poll and want to update your name and title. But they might want to see it anyway.

  • School/College/University – Go to whoever’s in charge for your year group, show them your Deed Poll, and you should be good to go. You could also ask them to update your preferred pronouns on the system, too, as changing your legal gender is more complicated and requires more than a Deed Poll. You might be able to ask them to change your gender marker, though.

  • Student Loans Company

  • Employers – Tell them at the same time you tell HMRC. They’ll need to update their own records and your payslips.

  • DWP/HMRC – If you get a Gender Recognition Certificate, HMRC will automatically be told, so will update their files accordingly. However, this is something that usually happens much later in a legal transition, because of the amount of evidence you’ll need to do it. The other option is to tell HMRC yourself by writing to them, and sending you letter here:

Special Section D
Room BP9207
Benton Park View
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE98 1ZZ

Include your National Insurance Number, and your original Gender Recognition Certificate if you’ve changed your gender legally but opted out of HMRC being automatically told about this - which I wouldn’t recommend.

Also include your Deed Poll, and maybe even a cover letter explaining that you have a Deed Poll, and telling them your OLD NAME has been updated to your NEW NAME and that you want your OLD TITLE to be updated to your NEW TITLE, just so that there’s no confusion on their end.

You might also be able to do this online by logging into your tax account/government gateway website and clicking the option that asks about a change to your personal details. (This is how I did it – it’s much easier than writing a letter and sending it in the post).

Or, you can call them on this number which might also be faster than sending them a letter. 

  • Dentist

  • Doctor/GP Surgery – You can either phone them up or go in person. Things can get a little complicated here, as with a patient who is changing gender, a new NHS Number is a good idea to get. This means that your gender would also be updated, as well as your name and title. If you keep your old NHS Number, it could revert back to your old name and title after some time.

It’s typical for them to give anyone who’s sending them a Deed Poll for gender related reasons a new NHS Number. Your old NHS Number and old name should be restricted, and your files should be moved onto your new NHS Number with those restrictions in place for privacy reasons. This ensures that nobody can see your old name or gender when they look at your medical records.

Some GPs do struggle with this process though, so you might have to ‘fight’ them for it by showing them different rules and guidelines that they’re already supposed to follow.

Overall, you’ll get a new NHS Number, which can’t be reverted back. Your old medical history should not be lost, but moved over to your new NHS Number with some restrictions over your old name and gender. You’ll be potentially registered as a new patient at your GP Surgery because of the new NHS Number. This new NHS Number is good, because it’s one of the few places your legal sex can be updated without a Gender Recognition certificate.

But this means that you won’t get sent letters for sex-based medical screenings, such as for smear tests or to check for certain cancers. It would be on you to get checked for these things when you reach the age most people get checked for them.

  • Hospitals and Clinics

  • Electoral Roll – This one was a bit more finicky for me. You might need to show up with your Deed Poll instead of trying to do this over the phone, as well as some ID and an old birth certificate to link to who you used to be to your new Deed Poll for good measure.

  • Libraries

  • Pension Providers

  • Mobile Phone Network

If you’re an adult/have moved out from home, you’ll need to tell:

  • Visas/Immigration

  • Local Council

  • Land Registry

  • TV Licensing

  • EHIC

  • Electricity, Gas, Water Suppliers

  • Internet Service Supplier

  • Landline Phone Provider

  • Landlord

  • Mortgage Provider

  • Car Insurance Company

  • Private health/life insurance

  • Home insurance

  • Website hosting/DNS providers

  • Loyalty Cards

  • Vets

  • Professional Bodies

  • Companies House

  • Police – If you’re legally required to do so.

I know, it’s a lot. They don’t make this stuff easy.

Telling a lot of organizations often just involves phoning them up and explaining that you have a Deed Poll and want to update your name and title with them. They might ask to see it, so it’s best to mail them a copy through the post or take it in person. Some places will need you to show up with your Deed Poll, some ID to prove that you are who you say you are, and your birth certificate.

If you send your Deed Poll through the post, it should be stamped and tracked so that it’s less likely to get lost, and will get to them, and then back to you, a little bit quicker.

This is why you have copies though, right? In case a Deed Poll does get lost in transit.

Next, I’m going to go in-depth into changing two very specific things. Or getting new ones if you already have them.



You can get an application for a new passport online, or from one of several physical places. Find out how in this official leaflet.

What you’ll need:

This is a template letter for your doctor to write. This can be a GP or a gender specialist. You do not have to have started medical transition to receive this letter. It should be on headed paper with the name and address of the person who is writing it.

Medical Reference No. xxxxxxxxxxxxx


To whom it may concern,

This is to confirm that my patient [Full name] has been diagnosed as having gender dysphoria and is currently undergoing gender reassignment. This change is to be permanent. As part of this process they have changed their name by Statutory Declaration/Deed Poll from [Old full name] to [New full name].

Your assistance in making the relevant changes to your records and in preserving full confidentiality would be appreciated.

Doctor, GP or Consultants signature.


  • A Gender Recognition Certificate


  • Paper application form

  • Your old passport if you’re not applying for the first time

  • Deed Poll for evidence of your name change

  • Evidence that you’re using your new name (Any letter with your new name on, aside from the one above, such as payslips or a voting letter with your new name. As long as it has a date and your new name on it, it should be fine.

  • A cover letter explaining that you’ve changed your name and gender using a Deed Poll. (Optional because of the above letter, but it’s better to be safe with things like this.)

  • Potentially a new picture of you, which can be taken in a photo booth at a post office or shop, if you’re sending a paper passport application. Also for if it’s been a very long time since you’ve had a new passport and the old photo doesn’t look like you anymore.

  • A counter signatory – Someone to sign the back of your new photo and your paper application form to back up that you are who you say you are.

  • Money for any fees you’ll have to pay.


Paper Application Guide

What you’ll need:

  • This leaflet that explains getting a new passport or renewing an old one for trans people in the UK

  • The Guidance for Paper Passport Applications

What You’ll Do:

Fill in the paper application, send all of the above stuff to the correct place and you should hear back eventually, when they send you a new passport. Ask for Recorded Delivery at the Post Office so that you have proof of when you sent everything off.

Jeez, that was a lot. What next?


Driving License

I guided you through getting a passport first, because guess what –

What you’ll need:

  • Your new passport – You can’t get a provisional license for the first time without some form of ID. You also can’t update an existing license without some ID either. When I wanted my first driving license, I was stuck in a loop. I didn’t have any ID in my new name, but I needed ID (a new passport) to get ID (provisional driving license.)

  • D1 or D2 application depending on what you can or want to drive.

  • Deed Poll or Statutory Declaration.

  • Old driving license if you’re updating it for a new one.

  • Current photograph – When you went to get that awesome new photo of yourself from the photobooth in Morrisons or wherever, it should have printed out more than one of them together. You should use one of those here.

  • Somebody to countersign the back of your new photograph or the use of a valid passport number can overwrite the need for a cosignatory.

  • Cover Letter – Again, it’s to explain to DVLA what’s happening and that you’ve changed your name legally, and also want your title updated/you want them to use a specific title on your license. Make it very clear what you want things to be changed to, you don’t want to have to re-do this process later on if someone official gets it wrong.

  • Money to pay the fees.

The above stuff is related to changing both your name and gender. Certain things aren’t needed if you’re just doing one or the other.

Gender does show up on your driving license, through your title, and the number beneath it.

Let me just make it clear that you don’t need a passport in your new gender to change the gender on your driving license necessarily. A Deed Poll should be enough to show that you want to change your gender, but the passport shows DVLA that it’s you, you’re the same person, and you need it purely because it’s ID, and you can’t update your driving license without some form of ID. A passport was all I had as ID, so that’s what I used.

Your Deed Poll links your old name to your new one to prove that you are who you say you are.

There’s no specific category for gender change on the paper form, so you’ll have to put those details in the ‘previous details’ box.

What you’ll do:

Then, wait a few weeks, and some of the things you sent to DVLA should be sent back to you, along with a new license.


That’s Everything You Need To Know About Deed Polls - What’s Next?

Congratulations! It’s been a long journey, but you’ve now changed your name, title, and sometimes your gender, in a load of places you didn’t even know existed.

It’s a horribly lengthy, complicated process. You deserve a nap. We all do.

But changing your title and gender doesn’t technically get you legally recognized as your new gender.

That’s what a Gender Recognition Certificate is for.

Well, it means that you can get married in your new gender, die in your new gender, get recognized as your new gender by anyone official who handles your pension, and go to the right prison if you ever end up in one.

Oh, and you get a brand new birth certificate, too.

Semantically, everything you’ve just done means you are recognized as your gender. A GRC just makes it super, super official. It’s like the last piece of the puzzle.

Follow our step-by-step guide to getting a Gender Recognition Certificate here. It should hopefully make sure you don’t miss anything out of the process, as well as making it a little bit easier to get through.


DMC is a blog made to help guide trans people in the UK through their transitions.


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Changing Your NHS Number